Fees and bursaries

Our 2025 fees are as follows: 

  • Senior Orchestra: £2184 (includes a £250 non-refundable deposit)
  • Camerata/Sinfonia Orchestras: £2030 (includes a £250 non-refundable deposit)
  • Sinfonietta Orchestra: £395 for one residency only (includes a £150 non-refundable deposit), or £750 for both Spring & Summer residencies (includes a £220 non-refundable deposit)

Bursary information

NYSO’s bursary scheme exists for anyone who may find it difficult to meet the costs involved in attending NYSO residencies. It works on a sliding scale; those who are most in need receive the most help. Figures are based on gross annual income.

In order to make sure that the NYSO Bursary Scheme can help as many students as possible, we ask parents and students to look for other sources of funding as well. This might be from local charities, businesses or other contacts.

The deadline for applying for a NYSO Bursary is 31 October 2024 (same as our audition application deadline). Find our Bursary form at the bottom of our ‘Applications’ page.